My blog contains many things you may find interesting from movies and games to events and poems (by me of course). If you stick around or follow my Tumblr Blog you'll learn get plenty of fun info. Enjoy your stay!

Millions and millions of years ago, when the Zakuran Empire ruled the galaxies, most planets were artificial. The Zakurans saw fit to create life to increase the population of their strong empire, assuring their continued rule. Because their way of life was often threatened because of their hostility and tyranny, their leaders decided to create a new species that would carry on their work if the Zakurans were to become extinct. That species was the Miridians. The Miridian beginnings tell the tale of their forthcoming.

After years of deciding, the Zakuran lords decided on the barren planet Miridis to be the home of their predecessors. On that fateful day, they shot a large meteor, containing the most tiny, insignificant cells, at the planet. The resulting meteor shower killed off many of the natural cells already inhabiting the planet. The Miridian cells were genetically enhanced to be strong and resistant. After landing in the waters of Miridis, the cells were immediately at work, shaping their future.

The Miridian cells were carnivores from the start. They fed primarily on live cells, only consuming dead matter if they became desperate. Miridians most often ate smaller cells whole for food. If attacked, though, the Miridians would eliminate their attacker and eat them as a display of power. They were already exactly like their creators.

Millions of years of observing the cells development gave the Zakurans excellent expectations for the future. Their behavior in particular was very enlightening. In the early cell stages, the Miridians were passive, often ignoring anything that was not a threat or prey. When disturbed or threatened, the cells became very hostile and eliminated their attackers easily. They would even assist another Miridian cell that was under attack. This led down the path to evolution.

600 million years in the future, the Zakurans still had a strong hold on the neighboring galaxies, but their work on the new species was still just beginning. After 600 million years, the cells developed spikes along their maw. Most scientists believe it was due to their increased aggression and need for a form of offense and/or defense.
-Sindifur, historian and scribe

I've spent months changing the personality and background of my fursona. She has experienced many dramatic changes. Hopefully, now, she can be at peace with what I have currently come up with. It seems like a pretty good one, so I am going to stick with this one (maybe).

My fursona is a white Serval, which is the same as the normal species of Serval. The only difference is that the white serval is... white.  It's an extremely rare fur color for the serval, and is often considered one of the rarest cats in the world. If you're curious and want to know what my fursona looks like, you'll see a crude drawing below. The pictures I commissioned from my brother's fiance should be done soon, and they will be the more complete look. Lastly, my fursona's name is Sindiris Leptailurus, or Sindi (pronounced like Cindy) for short.

The Original Idea: 

My fursona was originally going to be an assassin, but I thought that might be a little cliche as well as a little too bada** sounding. She would be dark and unsociable. My only prop idea at the time was a dagger or sword. That was just too bland to me, and having an unsociable fursona would not make for much con fun.

The New Idea:

I wanted something a little less dark and a little more playful.  So, the final idea for her occupation is a Thief. Maniacal and cunning, Sindiris loots only the finest of objects. This leads to a very fun prop idea for my fursuit. I could craft some fun looking treasure she's recently obtained and carry it around. I always play a Khajiit thief on Oblivion, and it's never ending fun. My fursona being a thief would be a very fitting match. Don't worry, i'm not a thief in reality. =3

So, now I have a fun new personality and prop idea. I had to take it a step further. Thinking back on some of my favorite video games and movies like Jak & Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Tangled, and other such media. There's something the characters in these things have in common. I NEED A LITTLE BUDDY! With my practiced crafting skills, I want to make a plushie that can be my shoulder buddy. I've already decided on a bat/dragon creature that will hang from my shoulder.  I want to be able to bend the doll to sit in different position on my shoulder to look more alive. Not sure what to name it yet.  More pondering is necessary here.

These are the most current ideas for my fursona. Perhaps I will have more in the future, but I plan to have my fursona complete one day. More details on my suit as it develops (which is very slowly)!

In case you didn't already know, you might be interested to know that there was an episode of CSI that centered around the Furry Fandom (Season 4, Episode 5: Fur and Loathing).  You can watch it HERE if you haven't and want to see it.  Spoilers ahead if you haven't watched it yet.

So a guy with a Racoon Fursuit is dead, and they're investigating. Catherine and Gil have a trip to a furry convention to find some people he knew.  You see a lot of people in fursuits and Gil visits a lecture that sort of explains what some people think being a furry is.  Of course to many people it's different, but it explains people having an animal side they wish to express.  Good ol' Grissom seems to find them all very fascinating instead of writing them off as weirdos right off the bat.

Not long later, the episode digs into one of the darker sides of the fandom.  The dead man was apparently into yiffing, and scritching (never heard that term until now).  Real pervy stuff, basically. This sort of made me sad because it could give furries a bad image for someone who has never heard of one before.  I experienced the same issue.  I watched this episode on TV one night years ago before I really even knew what a furry is.  It did give me a bad first impression of furries, and it wasn't until years later that I discovered that they aren't all furverts.

As the episode goes on, it focuses entirely on the yiffing furries.  Catherine is very disturbed by it and Gil keeps his composure and continues being all philosophical as usual.  After watching it again and being a furry now, I realize that the episode is kind enough to make furries at least look like they're fun.  As I described what happens later in the episode, it makes me rather sad and could spread a stereotype that a lot of furries are into that, which from my experience isn't true at all.  Some are, yes, but most are just fun people who like to wear costumes and socialize.  I am one of those furries.

I'm tired and it's late, so my sort of afterthought of a blog has been a disorganized one, but watch the episode and you'll get what i'm saying.  If I don't play some Minecraft soon, i think i'm going to have nightmares, so that's all for now.

In-Depth Fursuit Description

Posted by Zee On 2:11 PM 0 comments
I originally wanted to do an in-depth description of my fursona, but I haven't exactly worked out the entire back story and such just yet.  Maybe practically writing a book on it is going a little bit over the top, but I like for things to make some sense and have a history. It feels more real and you get more into it, and I think i 'll have more incentive to do a great job on my fursuit if I have that.  Anyway, on to the description.

My fursuit is a white Serval.  I decided to go with something that's not some complicating fusion and I went with a simple color to work with, being the white. I'm trying not to make my first fursuit a complex one.  Here's a photograph of a white serval, so you get an idea of what it's going to look like.

Also, here is my picture of my fursuit that I drew.  My artistic skills with a pencil are mediocre at best, but i'm having someone else do the reference pictures.

Head: Balaclava technique with carved upholstery foam for shape.  The jaw will be movable.

Ears: The ears are long, so they need to be sturdy.  For this purpose I decided to go with plastic crafting canvas for the base with carved foam for shape.  The right ear is chipped, which may or may not be tricky for a newbie like me.  The left ear has loop earrings, which I imagine won't be too difficult to insert if I find large enough ones.

Eyes: Her sharp blue eyes will be made using the resin casting technique.  They are going to be follow-me style.  The pupils will be round instead of slit.  I want to use some sort of metallic paint for shine.  One day when i'm brave enough, i'll make some sort of light-up eyes to use in the dark for fun.  The point of vision for the user (me!) will be through the black tear ducts which will be made of a mesh.

Nose: The nose will be a hollow sculpy clay nose sewn and glued on.  The hollowness should keep it from weighing it down too much.

Mouth: I'm not sure how to go about making the inside of the mouth black just yet.  Latex maybe, but I hate working with that stuff.  The bottom teeth will made out of some sort of fun foam, so they won't be individual teeth, just one line of teeth made of foam.  It's difficult for me to explain, but hopefully you all get it. The fun foam is most beneficial because it won't weigh down the moving jaw all the time.  Light and comfy!  I'll only be making two top teeth, being the canines, which will be made of  sculpy clay.  Lastly, the tongue will probably be a simple fun foam tongue.

Shoulder Armor: I haven't given too much though to this accessory.  I was thinking of using carved upholstery foam and use some super adhesive to cover it in satin cloth for a shine.  To attach it to the shoulder i'll perhaps use some sort of white elastic bands to go around the arm and blend with the fur.  Not 100% on that, though. The most interesting part of the shoulder will be that I will use some sort of velcro on the base of it and use fun foam with the other end of the velcro attached, to attach some sort of insignia or crest, depending on the occasion.  Example: if it's me going to Blizzcon, i'll wear the crest of the Horde on my shoulder.  I want to do the same thing with some sort of cape too.

Tail: I really want the tail to be realistic, so i was thinking of making it movable with attachable strings or something.  I'm still working on that one too.  Tails that just hang there and look dead just kind of bother me.

Legs: The legs are digitigrade. i'll either use cheap sweat pants or a full leotard.  Haven't decided which for this either (so much undecided!).  I've looked up a lot of great tutorials for this style, so i'm confident it will turn out lovely.

Hands: The hands will be five-fingered and have some sort of realistic padding.  The feet and hands will both have black claws.  I haven't decided if I want to do sculpy or plastic claws that you buy elsewhere.

I think that about does it for now, more info as the costume progresses.  I have NO material for the suit yet except some scuply clay to make claws whenever I feel like doing that.  I commissioned reference sheets and a nice portrait of the character from my brother's fiancee.  They're turning out great!  I'll post them whenever they are complete.

Informal Introduction/July 4th

Posted by Zee On 11:51 PM 0 comments
I'm not going to do any sort of formal introduction to this blog. But I will tell you a little about it.  This is a blog relating mostly to the Furry Fandom, but also a lot on other things (movies, games, events, and such).  The purpose of this blog is mainly for my use (journaling and archiving things I want to remember), but all are welcome to read if they wish.

Anyway, that's as formal as it's going to get for now.

I wanted to make it a point to see some fireworks this Independence Day, but I had to work tonight and the fireworks all happened yesterday, apparently.  Now, i'm at home sans fireworks viewage.  I did, however, find some subpar fireworks around the intarwebs.  World of Warcraft did it's usual End-of-Midsummer fireworks show.  I got a decent pic of the show atop a rock in Orgrimmar.

My last  hope of some sort of flashy, explodey goodness was found on  Puny, but better than nothing, i guess.  It wasn't worthy of a pic, so i've posted none.

The Chordettes are calling, and I am obliged to answer!  Happy Independence Day and watch out for hostile alien ship fire!